Unique wooden floors / Princ parket / Story of wood origin

Princ parket

Story of wood origin

Source of raw materials

It begins with the origin of raw materials and their sustainable management. The Czech Republic is characteristic by high density of forest coverage with more than 2.6 million hectares that is around one third of the whole country area. Since first formal effort of Maria Theresa in 18th century up to the law framework in recent days the forest area is growing approximately by 2000 hectares per year. Thanks to purposeful actions took in the past there is high quality wood even in comparison with other World leaders. This facts mean a lot to us. Even over the complexity of wood gathering discussions we believe that using renewable and sustainable schemes in our country creates great opportunity to use natural, safe and beautiful material without having doubts about consequence of the industry activities. Taking care of impact of our production is an essential value of Princ parket.

Commercial certificates

Law and regulations related to forest management in the Czech and Slovak republics form a guarantee of wood origin on the first level. Our product are made exclusively from the wood from these two countries, which answers questions about origin. Certification authorities such as PEFC, FSC etc. are commercial companies that creates mass media marketing campaigns that only a wood certified by them is the right choice for a customer. We understand its purpose is more related to foreign wood mainly from developing countries. There has been a massive increase of import from countries where law and regulation related to forest management are poor or even completely missing. For wood coming from these countries it make partly sense to ask for specialized certificates. It is still question of practical possibility to control a complex process from cutting a tree over transportation to different continents up to final production. In case of wood from domestic sources essence of these certifications is fulfilled by the law and regulations that is why we formally do not possess PEFC or FSC certifications.

Declaration of wood origin by Princ parket

Hereby the statutory director and owner Mr. Karel Hrdlicka declares in good faith that the wood used for Princ parket products is exclusively from the Czech and Slovak sources strictly following law and regulations related to forest management with strict rules for renewable and sustainable harvest. The suppliers are also subject to state bodies’ supervision and audits.